Room 409: Tuesday Morning

Mar 28, 2006 08:55

"BROOOOOOOOOTS" Blair sung out happily from his bed. "Broots, Broots, Bbbbbbbbbroots!" He bounced up and stared across the room at the lump of blankets on the other bed. He had no idea if his roommate was there or not, but somehow that didn't matter to him this morning.

"So for Molly's birthday I gave her a kiss. Our first kiss actually. Well...maybe not our first kiss per say. I think she's kissed me on the cheek a couple of times. But this was our first kiss on the lips and it was..." Blair paused and stared at the ceiling for a moment. "It was perfect. Like, really, really nice. I like hugging her and holding hands feels nice too, but kissing? That's awesome!"

Blair bounced off his bed and grabbed his backpack. "I wonder if that means I should kiss her all the time now? I mean, not all the time because it would be hard to breathe and I think there would be lip chap problems. But maybe that's where our relationship is right now, at the kissing stage. Do you think we still get to hold hands and hug, because it would be a bummer if we had to give that up for the kissing." He paused. "Although the kissing was really, really good."

He grabbed his backpack and headed for the door, waving at the lump of blankets. "Have a good day Broots!"

broots, molly, 409, kiss!

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