Nov 03, 2004 15:36
I'll try to keep this plain and simple [I hope I don't usually annoy you- the reader]:
Do you think there is such thing as a selfless good deed? I don't think I do, but I am fully open to rebuttal.
Today I am wearing an old comfy shirt. Pin-striped, purple, perfect. My sleeves are rolled because that's how I ride.
I write in here for you and I. If you're reading this, I care about you a lot. When I walk around this campus, or wherever I may be, my actions- they only simulate life. Here, I have to write it out. I can't lie in here. I have to think about what I want to say because I know that you there at your computer, will read it. My thoughts are purest in journals like this. The looks I give people and the words I mutter are so easily faked that its disgusting. Its not LiveJounral. Its writing- what I love. You reading-- That's what I love even more.
I think that the present is all that is capable of being complicated. The future may be blurry, but I don't think I'd say its complex. And the past. Geez, the past is always so clear to me. The disgusting beauty of hindsight... Its not regret, its realization. But right now, the present, its just a tangled web of making decisions and getting things done. Man this shirt is cozy.
I want to become a pool shark.
My opinion on the presidential election is no more relevant or less lame than the next person's. I just find it so ironic, how patriotism and concern for our country destroy us. Watching the states light up red and blue is like watching a national battle between all Americans. We even have scorekeepers.
The president. Almost half of the country will hate him. The time of the presidential debate just splits America in two. It manufactures severe arguments, grudges, attitudes, and division among Americans. Families, co-workers, friends, enemies... they all fight about who's right and who's wrong. Its like a civil war within us, just picking who gets to lead us for four years. Thats what the presidential debate does. Bush will lead our country. Patriots can follow him and back up their belief in their country, or they can fight, and piss and moan that America is just going to die with Bush sitting in the White House. We're nothing without a leader, and our leader is nothing without us. We are the country. Man, I'd hate being president.
Christmas at the Zoo feels like only yesterday. Don't you think so girls?