Feb 21, 2004 13:47
yes children, gather round... it is in fact, true story time.
one day a shy, innocent, quiet boy was sitting at his desk in anger management class. We'll call him "robert". Pretending to listen to his instructor, robert grows bored and begins to doodle on his worksheets. sketching away, he starts coming up with new ideas for tattoos. Now, robert pretty much sucks at anything requiring much skill... thought.. accuracy.. or, well, looking good.. such as art. So of course he can't wait to rush home and proudly display these tattoo designs. I mean lets face it, this poor boy is only good with his hands when it comes to one thing (though his 2 children could argue, hes not very good at that either), so art is a bit out of the question.
Poor Robert, not all that bright, was so excited about the drawings he forgot one major detail. You see, during the boring speach about how its angry to 'label' people, he boldly underlined one line with his pencil from the examples. "My girlfriend is a total bitch."
Well, "the bitch" found it and had but one thing to say..........
"enjoy sleeping with the dogs, dumbass."
the end.