I shot a rabid bear in the head. I feel horrible. It looked like a normal bear at first until it blew up surrounding trees (and flew?). Could it use its mind as a weapon? Nevertheless, I had no intentions of being cruel towards animals. Or killing. But it looks like you can't stay here without killing to defend yourself. I'm also guessing that most everyone here has killed before, or done so in defense at least before they came here?
Ashelin got me to the Marshall Street Apartments. The place is crowded, as I expected. I was thinking about asking a doctor about this chip in the back of my neck, and getting it out, but I'm so tired. I haven't slept since I've gotten here. I don't think I'm even hungry, not that I know about how to get food in this place.
I'm fine I guess. Considering everything is a mess.
This is exactly- no, this is a big reason I avoided that stupid war. Uselessly killing and attacking. It's not my style. It's not anything I want to do.
Oh God, I hope these people here at least aren't attacking one another. There are enough monsters trying to kill us, we don't need to be killing each other.
ooc: As a note, Howl has black hair right now! ♥ Also, you can check his relationships with people (which he has none of yet) and his large bio on his userinfo ♥ THanks, hope you enjoy! o/