Jan 25, 2007 16:46
its going to be so cold. i'm pretty much going to lose my mind.
anyways, so school started. on monday and wednesday i have to wake up at 7, and then on tuesday and thursday at 8. that'll take some getting used to. basically im really excited for this semester and i think i'm going to make some great work.
i never think that my resolution of finding someone for valentine's day each year is incredibly hard to do, but i cant ever seem to find anyone. that guy from england fell through and i never actually met him so whatever. i'm still looking though.
i realized i don't really have friends for me up here. we're all this huge crazy group of friends that love and hate each other and have so much fun, which is awesome. but i dont have that ONE friend thats yours, you know? sometimes i want to just hang out with one person around here for a while, but i dont really have any friends like that.
oh and ps, my roomate from last year that dropped out is in my seminar class that i TA, lol.