Nothing Left To Hide (17/?)

Dec 18, 2012 21:46

Title:Nothing Left To Hide (17/?)
Author: Me. lovebyteheart
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Warnings: Mpreg and all that stuff!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately i don't know or own any of All Time Low or their crew, but if that were to change then i'll sure tell you. ;D
Summary: My life is perfect. I could ask for nothing more. Each new day brings a new story. But what happens when you let loose, for just a second? Well, that's the story that I have to tell.
Title goes to Mayday Parade :)
A/N: At the bottom!


Jack POV:

I sat down on the sofa, Alex next to me trying to sink into the cushions. The WHOLE of my family who were at dinner were now sitting opposite us both as mum had called an important family meeting.
'So please remind me why we have all been called into this little family meeting again?' Joe asked frowning at mum.
'Ah now, you see this is all courtesy of you brother. Isn't it Jack darling?' She smiled at me.
Uh? I scratched my head keeping my eyes glued to the floor not wanting to make eye contact with any one of my family.  
'I- urm. Yeah... I suppose it is.' I said looking up to see my mother smiling at me, raising her eyebrows as a signal to continue. 'Well, recently I have been seeing some thing's in a different light I suppose, what I'm trying to say is that... I'm...' I felt Alex subtlety place a hand on my lower back under my shirt rubbing it softly in some sort of support. 'I-I'm Gay' I whispered placing my head I my hands wishing that I didn't have to say this to them. I was mentally preparing myself for the disappointment, anger and disgust that they probably were all feeling.
'Ha!' I heard a large squeal that sounded like it came from May. What?
'I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Joe you owe me so much money!'
'Darn I was hoping you wouldn't remember that.' He laughed retrieving his wallet and handing over a wad of money.
'Wait you made a bet? You made a bet on my sexuality? With May?' I asked Joe.
'Yeah I mean you could just tell. Suppose it's a family feeling, I don't know.'
'You and Alex were also so close as well. We aren't surprised, you are a cute couple.' My mother gushed.
I blushed, what? We hadn't actually told them that we were together.
'Oh don't act dumb jack, we all saw Alex's hand earlier and Mum also saw you sucking face with Alex' My sister said. 'Actually, talking about Alex ,Are you alright? You haven't talked much this evening. I remember the times when you couldn't shut the both of you up, no one could stand it!' She laughed which earned a small smile to be emitted from Alex.
'Yeah, I'm just not feeling too well. Do you mind if I use your toilet?'
'Sure go ahead son.' My father said for the first time this evening. 'You remember where it is?'
'Yep I think so' Alex smiled shuffling himself off the sofa and quickly shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets before heading out of the room. I sighed whilst watching him walk away. I thought today was going to be a pretty good day, Alex said he hadn't felt sick this morning to we took that as a good sign. I guess we were wrong.
'Is he alright Jack? He seems a bit off recently.' My dad sympathetically smiled at me.
'Yeah he's fine.' I lied.
'Hm, yes darling I agree' my mother said to my father. 'He ate us out of house and home at lunch and going the toilet every 2 minutes! You know, if I didn't know any better I would say he was pregnant.'
The world seemed to stop for a split second as those words tumbled out of my mother's mouth. I gulped, did I want her to find out through speculation? Where was Alex right now? I need him!
'Jack?' i heard the nervousness of my mothers voice.
I was hoping that the silence would tell my mother the answer to her question...
'You got him pregnant didn't you?' She asked. I couldn't tell if there was anger in her voice or not I just stared at her wide eyed. My lip began to quiver as the pent up emotions of realising that I was going to be a dad at such a young age started to arise. 'Oh jack.' She cooed moving over to sit in the seat next to me and pulling me into a hug. We stayed in the hug I ill my tears had stopped falling to hear the unlock of the bathroom door and the reappearance of Alex in the doorway.
'You okay Jack?' He asked quickly rushing to my side, he must have seen my bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks - obvious signs that I had been crying. He sat down in the place where my mother had been and embraced my into a hug. I felt him kiss the side of my head before lightly pushing our faves apart to them place a sweet kiss upon my lips. I heard an 'Aww' in the background and briefly kissed Alex back before talking.
'Alex baby, my parents know. They just found out. There's no need to hide anymore.' I said stroking his cheek.
'What they know about the baby?' He whispered and I nodded 'Ah thank fuck for that. I'm sweating like a pig in this freaking hoodie.' He said lifting his arms and removing his hoodie which managed to rise his t-shirt and show off some of the faint stretch marks. He quickly covered back up his protruding stomach hiding the stretch marks. He was so fussy about people seeing them.
He snuggled back into my arms and rested his head on my chest.
'Wow, you're definitely pregnant Alex.' May laughed. 'How far along are you' she asked intrigued with anything to do with babies.
'I'm just over 4 and a half months. it's due on January 19th' he smiled patting his stomach before slipping his hand into mine.


We were sat in the living room for another 2 hours whilst my family insisted that they knew every nitty gritty fact about Alex's and my relationship. Although it was a little creepy it was nice to know that they cared.
We were just about to leave, Shoes on, coat ready when mum decided to drop a little bombshell on us.
'Whilst you were out if the room I decided to organise a small congratulations party for you both.' She smiled.
'Mum! We have told hardly anybody yet! We don't need anything getting to the Internet about us before we have a say in it.' I sighed, I love my mum but at times she does forget that we are rock stars that are under the public eye 24/7. 'But I suppose if it is really small and you know you can trust these people then okay.'
we left the house, got in the car and started driving back to the bus.
'So a congratulations of your pregnancy party, eh? What do you think should we tell them to cancel it?' I queried.
'No, don't be silly.' He laughed. 'I think it's sweet that they are this excited. I wish my dad was. He still thinks I'm an idiot for keeping our baby.' He sighed.
'Don't worry babe, he will come round. I promise you. If it even takes him till he or she is born the first time he looks into our babies eyes he will fall in love, I promise you.'
A/N: Yay update! this was the other half of the last chapter i suppose! I love you all for commenting even if it was about penis problems (i had an email about it? wtf!)! Anon commenting available! :)

mpreg, alex gaskarth, livejournal, jalex, nothing left to hide, lovebyteheart, jack barakat

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