Nothing Left To hide (24/?)

Jun 01, 2013 13:46

Title: Nothing Left To Hide (24/?)

Author: Me.

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)

Warnings: Mpreg and all that stuff!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately i don't know or own any of All Time Low or their crew, but if that were to change then i'll sure tell you. ;D

Summary: My life is perfect. I could ask for nothing more. Each new day brings a new story. But what happens when you let loose, for just a second? Well, that's the story that I have to tell.

Title goes to Mayday Parade :)

A/N: At the bottom!


Alex POV:

I was sat snuggled up on the sofa surrounded by pillows and blankets with a big tub of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream whilst watching the Batman Trilogy when the phone rang. I paused the film and untangled myself from the blankets and walked (Jack was convinced that i was waddling now but i didn't want to believe him) over to the phone in the kitchen.

I would usually make jack get the phone as I'm a lazy ass and he'd practically do anything for me at the minute. I know, it's cruel but he's not complaining! But he had gone out with some of our friends to go watch the Ravens. I usually went with him but I was more than happy watching Batman.

I picked up the phone, sighing hoping this wouldn't be a long conversation. 'Hello?'

'Hi Alex.' Our Manager spoke. 'How are you, and the baby?'

'We're good thanks. Just relaxing at home. You?' I spoke switching the phone to my left ear and leaning over to open the fridge door.

'Good too thanks. But, I was talking to the rest of management and we came up with an idea.' He warily spoke.

'Okay' I said wondering what this idea was whilst retrieving the orange juice out of the fridge door.

'We know that after you've had the baby you and Jack and going to want to spend as much time with her so it might be a good idea to start writing and recording now before you've had the baby.'

it wasn't a bad idea in all honesty and it did kinda make sense. I could work on some slower songs.

'Yeah. That's a great idea, it does make sense to do that.' I said whilst pouring the orange juice into the glass.

'Great. Is there any chance you're gonna be able to get up here and put any vocals down?' He asked although probably already knowing the answer.

'Probably not. I don't think I'm gonna be able to get songs written in the next two months. Even I'd I did I don't want to be flying or leaving home when I'm nearly full term.'

'Okay, we'll you've still got that mini studio at yours. If you manage to get anything just send it over.'

'Will do. Alright I've gotta go.' I said hearing jack come back from the football. 'Talk soon yeah?' I asked not really wanting to talk anytime soon.

'Course. Seeya Alex.' He said then hung up. I placed the phone back in its holder and felt a pair of hands slip around my waist.

'Hey baby.' Jack said kissing my neck.

'Hey.' I replied turning around in his grip to place a kiss on his lips. He was wearing his purple ravens jersey and some black skinnies. 'Mhm have I ever told you how hot you look in that jersey?' I asked biting my lip and slowly trailing my fingers down his chest.

'I don't think you have.' He said and pushed me up the island counter and running his hands down my sides. 'I think you better make up for it.' He purred ducking his head behind mine and placing kisses on my sweet spot behind my ear on my Skellington tattoo.

'Jack' I moaned in pleasure and let my eyes slip shut as he began sucking on the sensitive skin. I pulled his head from off my neck so it was in front of me again. His lips were slightly swollen and wet with his spit - It was so hot.

I leaned forwards connecting our lips and placing both of my hands on the back of his head bringing him forward. Our lips moved smoothly together as I opened my mouth granting his tongue entrance. I didn't bother fighting for the dominance, just letting jack take control as he pulled me away from the counter and directing us towards the bedroom, our mouths still connected.


I lay back in the pillows panting. God, that was some good sex. I felt the pillow dip to the side of me and saw jack lay down. His hair stick to his head and lips still swollen. He smiled at me before jumping out of bed and leaving the bed completely naked.

'Oh my god Jack, put it away.' I heard Rian Shriek. He'd obviously seen jack walking through the house in his birthday suit. He soon returned with a DVD in his hand and went over to put it into the TV.

Jack joined me back in bed and I snuggled up and lay in his arms as he pressed play to The Dark Knight Rises.

'Who was on the phone earlier?' He asked, eyes still trained on the TV.

'It was management. They want me to start writing the new album before the baby arrives.' I said looking over at my guitar in the corner of the room.

‘Is that really a good idea?’ he asked frowning at me.

‘Yeah, as long as i'm careful and don't over do it i should be fine.’ I smiled. He nodded and carried on watching the film with me.


I was sat in my little studio in the top of the house. I had been writing lyrics for hours but they were just not sounding right. I hummed the time to myself then sung the words along. I made a few changes to some of the words and moved onto another verse. The chorus is gonna be the thing that takes up most time.

'Lex, are you gonna come down? I've made dinner.' Jack spoke popping his head through the door of the studio.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head mumbling something about having to finish the song.

'C'mon lex. Cass and Rian are down there too. We were gonna eat all together.' He pleaded pouting at me.

'I'm sorry, love. I just need to finish this, I shouldn't be much longer. I promise.' I smiled at him before he nodded leaving the room.


Jack POV:

Alex had been up in the studio for two whole days now. He didn't come down to eat or even to come to bed. He'd been telling me he just got into bed after I'd fallen asleep and woke up before I had, I knew he was lying though. Even if you went up there to try and convince him to come down he would tell you to go away cause he was working.

'Hey Jack.' Cassadee smiled walking past me and opening the back doors out to the pool. 'Rian and I are gonna swim and sunbathe, it's too hot to stay inside. You coming?' She asked.

I agreed and walked upto Alex's and my room and got a pair of swimming shorts out of the dresser. I placed them on the bed as I got dressed and saw the picture frames lying on the top of the dresser. There was two of Aex and I - one being when we were still at high school at our prom. Our parents had insisted getting hundreds of pictures together. The other was a picture that was taken on warped when we were officially together. It was Alex and I kissing in front of a huge crowd of people, it was just an innocent kiss but my hand was rested on his stomach and his was cupping my face.

The third picture on the dresser was the most recent ultrasound of our little girl. I hadn't felt her kick in days because Alex had never been around in the morning when we woke up for our little baby feeling/talking sessions. It was a little upsetting.

I realised that I had been there for longer than I expected to be so I traipsed back down the stairs to be met with a scruffy looking Alex.

'Hey.' I said. I caught Alexs attention and he turned around. 'You alright?' I asked. He looked awful. He had dark rings around his eyes

'Do I look it?' He snapped clutching his head. ' I have the worst fucking headache in the world and I'm really dizzy. I don't know how you can have both at the same time but I have them. '

I sighed and walked over to him 'well let's take some of these layers off then, you are sweating like a pig and then i will get you some painkillers, yeah?' He was wearing thick joggers, a long sleeve t shirt and another thick hoodie complete with fluffy socks and a beanie - no wonder he was sweating.

'Ugh, jack I feel really faint.' He breathed heavily gripping onto the side of the counter. 'I think I'm gonna b-'  He said clasping his hand over his mouth before his knees buckled from beneath him and he fell straight To the floor landing directly on his stomach.

'Fuck lex.' I shouted sprinting toward him. I knelt on the floor turning him around in my arms. He was unconscious. 'Rian. Cassadee.' I screamed into the garden hoping he would hear me.

'What are yo- oh my god Alex. What happened?' Rian said rushing over to my side.

'I-i don't know. He was just complaining about not feeling too well then he fell.' I cried wiping away tears as i told her exactly what he said before passing out. 'But he fell on the baby Cass. Is she going to be okay?!' I panicked my hands shaking and breathing increasing.

'I don't know jack. You gave to calm down. Rian will go and ring an ambulance and you have to help me move him into the recovery position. Okay?' She said calmly as if by talking with such ease to calm me down too.

I helped her move Alex into the position on the floor and retrieved a pillow of the sofa to rest his head on.

'Why do we have to put him like this. I didn't think we were meant to move him. I don't know. Cass you gotta help me.' I wailed gently moving Alex onto his side.

'Its so if he starts being sick, like you explained he was feeling. Then he won't choke on his own sick and die.' She said bluntly to which my eyes widened before the door opened and Rian walked back in.

'They should be here in a few.' He said to which I nodded and gripped onto Alex's hand.

'J-jack.' Alex whispered slowly waking from when he fell.

'Lex, lex. You alright? You scared me so much. I knew this was gonna happen. I thought you looked bad. Oh god am I a bad boyf-'

'The baby's not kicking' jack' he whispered dragging his arm down to his belly and holding it there for a bit. He burst into tears at that point. 'S-she's normally going C-crazy. What's wrong?' He wailed clutching his stomach.

Two paramedics burst into the room at that moment asking Cassadee and I to move out of the way. They didn't let me ride in the ambulance because I wasn't family- douchebags. So, I had to ride in Rian's car with him and Cass. They wouldn't let me drive as I would probably end up killing us all. I'm a bad enough driver when I'm not stressed out.

When we arrived at the hospital I saw Alex being rushed away. I begged to go with him but they wouldn't let me. When I told them that I was the father of the baby I thought they were gonna let me in but all they said was that their main focus was getting Alex better.

What about my baby?
'Jack, C'mon sit down.' Rian said directing me over to the hard plastic seats in the waiting room. 'He will be fine. The baby will be too.'
A/N: Sorry for the lateness, im still in exams :( But OMG i went to Slam dunk festival! :D I didn't meet anybody but that didn't' matter. I saw Alex being a complete loner up on the balcony hiding from all the other band members behind a pillar. And i Saw Jack being a fangirl and taking pictures of Tonight Alive on his phone and dancing with his beer then he then freakin waved at me o.O I also saw Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens and he was waving at everybody from the balcony then decided to make a complete fool of himself and started to wave his arms around like a loonatic xD Everybody was like whaa? It was hilarious though! Ah.
Anyway, please comment and all that jazz... Love you! ^-^
(Le Sigh... i have major Post concert depression...)

mpreg, alex gaskarth, livejournal, jalex, nothing left to hide, lovebyteheart, jack barakat

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