(no subject)

Jan 24, 2003 17:02

~~About you~~

Your Name- Paul,Pauly,Smally,Rock Icon

Where do you live- w.babylon

Birthday- March 4th 1982

do you drive- Not at the moment

if so, what?- megs jeep.

Best childhood memory- So many

DO you work- Do you have any weeds or brush?!

if so where- East coast sales

Do you have a cell- Fo' shizzy

do you smoke/drink?- Punch drunk punk rock romance

Parents: mom,rick

Moms name- Annmarie

dads name- cocksucker

Any siblings- Chris,Ian kate and megan

sisters name/age- Kate and Megan 19 or 20

brothers name/age- Chris 10

best things your parents gave you- They give lots

one thing you wish your parents would do- Get rich


Best friend- Jess ,ryry and Natalie

name some of your friends- Scott,Ryry,Jess,bob,Steve Mosh,Poelker,Xtian,Ron,Lil Dime bag,Fran,Mike,Danika,Kurt,Smarts,Kara,Old man steve,so so many more...

fav thing to do wit them- Chill,drive around,smoke cigs,go to shows, talk,Party

most friendly- Bob, and Lil DIck

most caring- All

Loudest- Scott and me

sluttiest-hahaha iam not saying but i do think a few of my friends are slutty

annoying- Depends on my mood

understanding- megan & rich & ron & bob, others have their moments.

~~Relationship~~ <3

Do you have a bf/ gf- Very much so!

do u have a crush- Only on my Natty

Name- Natalie

when did u meet- Sept

how did u meet- Hope Conspiracy show,but she noticed me at shows last year and thought i was cute!!!!

when did u start going out?- October 13
first impression?- Cute and tall...good dresseer...great hair

Where was your first kiss- Her bed

how did they ask u out- I asked

how did u ask them out- Wasted and threatening

do u love your bf/gf- Mos Def

Do they treat u good- Fuck yes

are you happy- I think what i feel is happiness but who really knows when we are happy

best present(if you got one)- Her

how did u know you wanted to be wit this person- I got drunk and thought about her alot....and then i fell in love with her

Fav thing to do with them- Cuddle

best memory- First night she slept in my bed

when you hang out what do u do- Talk,smoke cigs,watch movies,makeout,sex.

~~ This or That~~

pepsi or coke- pepsi

7up or sprite- sprite

heaven or hell- They dont exist

fast or slow- Live fast die pretty

day or night- night.

kiss or hug- kiss & hug

love or lust- loveeee!

rap or punk- Punk Rock!

gold or sliver- Platinum nigga!

truck or car- dont care

scrub or prep- Smally

phone or online- Im and the phone!

notes or email- Email

walking or running- rocking!

cell or pager- cell


car- one that gets me to Natalie

animal- party animals

song- currently : The best of me

band- currently : bleeding through, an, bury your dead, Starting Line,AFI,No doubt

person- Nat,jess,jodi,bob,ryry,scott

food- lemon chicken

resturant- Olive Garden

memories- the summer of LIV

drink- SOCO and Lime

alcholic drink- SOCO and Lime

place- Manhattan Beach!!!OC nigga!

picture- I dont know
outfit- Black button down Jeans Steve Maddens

fast food place- Checkers

scent- Aqua Di Gio

store- h&m

jewerly- i have none.

candy- Reeses stick

drug- E and Shrooms

finger- Fuck you!
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