Here I Go Scream My Lungs Out To Get To You

Feb 13, 2005 14:18

I don't see how even after all the shit he's put me through and how many times his memory has brought me pain, that I still hold feelings for him. Ten and a half months we dated, it was the first serious relationship for us both. I trusted him with my life. Then, he met her. I knew it, even when we were going out, that he liked her. I saw how they joked and played around around me. I felt so secluded and so alone. He said I was over-reacting but I knew what was going to happen. He tried to cover it up with more excuses but I knew he was going to leave me. He made some promises but he never kept them. He acts like his life is so HORRIBLE. But he needs to think, if we had never broken up, would his life be as bad? Worse maybe? He lost his chance to ever know. He promised me that he would come back to me. I've always secretly wished he would. But then again, if he's so miserable, it's his own damn fault. I'm happy with my life for once and there is NOTHING he can do to change that.

Sorry, I was just venting.

<3 Jessica
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