Oct 25, 2005 11:21
Ok so last itme I wrote in here I was telling you all about this chick I met and what not....Well let me ask you something have you ever had a friend that over stepped their boundries when it comes to you likeing somone and they know it but they totally go to far on flirting with the person you like??? I am not going to say names but FUCKING BITCH she came out with me 2 Thursdays ago to to Prism for this lesbiean night with me (its every thurs.)and she met the chick that I have a little crush on and ever thing was fine that night. Well last Thurs. she came out with me agian and she is so lucky that I didn't hit her right then and there.She throws herself at my crush and wraps her arms around her and is being so flirty then when my crush was leaving I gave her a hug and "she" stuck her hand out to my crush like she was going to shake it but oh no she goes ahead and kisses her hand right in front of me and gives my cruch this look like call me later....WTF is with that.You know I like this chick but you go ahead and flirt with her and then do that who the fuck do you think you are...I am sick of you doing this shit everythime you meet someone that I know and you know that I like them but you flirt with them or hit on them anyway....I am done with your game and I am done with you...you don't call me don't e mail me nothing I have nothing more to say to you you attention hungry little daddys girl stuck up bitch! As far as I am concerned there is nothing more to be said YOU know who you are, and I know that you will read this...I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR FUCKED UP LIFE