Oct 05, 2005 12:32
As I sit here and read ppl's live journal enteries I relizeed that I miss a lot of you....Like Tammy haven't seen you in forever....Jayare miss you and it sucks I didn't get to see you before you left....Amanda I know I bailed out on Thursday night but I will make it up......Hanna you better call me when you get back on the Island....And there are so many more....I feel like I have bailed on all of you in some way or another and I feel bad so I am sorry....But hopefully one day we can get together and catch up....Anyway enough of the sappy moment.....I decide its time to get back into the dating game....I have taken over a year for myself and now its time to get out there and have some fun....That sounded better in my head lol......But untill next time miss all of you muchly Ciao Krystal