It made me cry.

May 06, 2005 09:59

All of the kids were being really sweet to me today. I'm teaching the 4 year olds a dance to Carmen's "I love Jesus" for their graduation to perform for their parents. I did that song when I was their age so I thought it was more than appropriate for them to do as well. I go in every morning at 9 am, but I haven't been able to the past couple of days because I've been sick and just really didn't have the energy to be at work (even though I came) much less to jump around with little kids to do a dance.
So, I go in this morning and I get spoiled with compliments from the little girls. One girl, (whom I love to death) came up to me and said "Miss Sarah! I prayed for you!" And I just immediately started thinking about how powerful a four year olds prayer must be. After all, we are calling to have a CHILD-like faith. And her prayer must of been so pure. I was thought, "wow". It really touched me.
I finish my dancing with them and go back to my office (I get the big desk today, Beth isn't here!). Ha-Love you Beth! Well, anyway. I get finished talking with someone about getting a job here and Mrs. Bee (the four year old assistant teacher) calls me into their room. Mrs. Vickey tells me that the kids, who are in the middle of their prayer time, wanted to pray for me. The little girl who requested we pray for me (Linds-it was Lexi Grace)starts off the prayer and every kid joins in praying all at once. You know those chills you get when powerful and anointed prayers are prayed, I got those. I just began to cry. Their prayers were real. They were heart-felt and faithfully said. I love those kids, and I'm learning more from these four year olds than I could from all the 50-some-year-old pastors in the world.

*whew*-I love my Daddy.
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