Apr 22, 2007 19:21
It is 7:20pm and it is still sunny, still 78*...glorious. I want to move to a magical place that has weather like this ALL the time!
With a thankful sigh of relief, I'm homebound (NY that is) for a while. No more business travel in the near future...yay! I just got back from a whirlwind visit of Wegmans strores in Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey. All I could think about while driving in NJ and seeing numerous "NO TRESSPASSING" sings was the maffia and the Sopranos! Like I told Shaun, I really think I saw Tony driving down I-95 in a black Esclade on Thursday.
Every time since Monday when another story about Virginia Tech airs on TV it burns a little deeper. That horrible day really could have happened anywhere, I think even MSU. It's really had to think that one of the people that was shot was a RA. I don't mean to sound selfish during so many people's time of loss and grief, but spending a good amount of time as a RA, situations come up that you might not know what would eventually happen, but you never think it could be that bad. He was only trying to help...helping like he had been trained and helping most likely because that's what he thought was the right thing to do.
I think times like this also make you think of how people will remember you. All of these people at Viriginia Tech touched so many people's lives, now more than they probably ever thought they would; most importantly they will all be remembered as students who had so much more to give.