Nov 27, 2006 21:00
Is it bad that I think I'm still full from Thanksgiving? My apartment was bustling with my parents and Shaun from Wednesday through yesterday and it was great. It was the first non-argumentative holiday that I can remember (I'll cross my fingers this can carry over to Christmas). I did the majority of the cooking with my dad doing all the chopping and Shaun whipping up the deviled eggs. My mom was in charge of the clean-up crew.
My parents went to happy hour with work folks and Shaun on Wednesday.
My apartment seemed much too empty yesterday after everyone left. I hate that feeling.
I get paid on Thursday and that's when most of my Christmas shopping with commence.
Laundry needs to be taken out of the dryer and I need to make myself a lunch. That about sums up the excitment of my week.
Oh...and I hope Wednesday's MSU vs BC game is on tv here.
Is it Christmas yet?