Aug 15, 2005 23:16
Most of my generation is no longer convicted about anything. Stuff we would never dream of doing, we're doing without second thought. We're more worried about getting our ideas out there than we are about getting involved in God's love movement. I'm the last person to be pointing my finger, but I guess what I see in me, is also what I see in most of my friends. I see cynicism, mostly. Last night, I was at someone's house and I think we made fun of "church stuff" for about 30 minutes. Traditionalism, bad doctrine, ridiculous Christian schools, etc. No church topic was left untouched. As everyone was going on about how out of touch the past, and present, Church is, I couldn't help but think about how jaded we've become. We're such complainers! As if our way is right? What if church happened the way I wanted it to? We would meet probably once every two months. There would be only acoustic music playing, and the preaching would consist of people sharing about what's been going on in their lives. There would be no dramas. No programs. How boring would that be for my best friend, Aaron? My point is, my way isn't right, so I think I need to quit bitching about how ridiculous church is these days. I'm sure I won't, but I need to. I liken the present Church to the Democratic party's slogan of last year, "Hope is on the way." We've been making promises, only to break them. We've been given visions, only to make sermons out of them. I feel like God is answering our "Hope is on the way" with the way the Republican party answered the Democrats - "Hype is on the way." Without Him, it truly is hype. And, that's what we love! Remember, last year, before the Passion of the Christ came out? I do. Everyone was talking about this revolution that was going to take place and how our Church would be flooded with people. Every church had a game plan. Every church made itself involved, in a small or large way, to be a part of that revolution. I remember sitting in my small group, and this guy was talking about the potential this movie had for starting another great awakening. Really? A year later, I'm still waiting for it...
And, there will always be hype. This is what the human experience is all about. My friend works at a church that invites its staff to go on day trips to certain places so they can write about their experience. They compare their experience to whatever place they visisted to the way their church presents itself to the community. I love this idea. I love that their church doesn't involve itself in "what's to come," but creates an atmosphere, in the here and now, where people can experience God. I love that their idea isn't, "Join, and then that's where the life begins." Rather, the experience makes them want to get involved. I also love how my pastor has so many visions, but that he's also getting the church involved in so many things right now. I feel so sorry for people who go to churches that are so stuck in a "hope is coming" mindset.
Hope is here! But, among that hope is also a bored group of 20-somethings who have, in the most literal sense, seen it all. Tell us, "Just believe," and we'll hear, "Stop thinking."