i moved and it's awesome. i'll admit that when nate decided that he couldn't work and attent school full time and thought it would be a good idea to bail and move back in with his mom, i was a little upset and disappointed. so after a few months of being a procrastinator and a few days of frantic searching, i totally found an awesome apartment with no room mates. its pretty large as far as apartments downtown go, and its only mildly scary. i have the basics set up, the large and necessary things are in their proper places, and now i just have to get all that little stuff out of the way. party soon, for real.
in other news, this past saturday was my LAST DAY EVER at the post office. it was cold and rainy and a huge conglomeration of examples of why i was happy to be quitting. no more crazy grunting man throwing magazines at me. no more filling my vehicle with dirty boxes. no more only getting paid once a month. no more driving forty miles to work (i can ride my bike to my new job). no more stupid mail all the time. i really jsut got sick of talking about how much it sucked, and tired of not having fun with life.
oh, and i got this over the past month or so.
life is pretty sweet.