Bleiburg lyrics

Jul 30, 2009 09:31

Чтоб не забыть))) Питаю очень нежные чувства к этой группе =))


Time is like a stream.

You're standing right into it.

Your Name is lightning

leads us into the future's dark.


In this heart of europe.

Where the old shadows arrive

You'll find new hope

And history will survive

Europe - we listen to your heartbeat.

And if the world would be full of evil.

She cannot through disdevotion and others glory,

steal away your fame.

Europe - we listen to your heartbeat.

"Europa "


A Box of Old Clothes

Mother's Rosary

Where Gravestones Hide

Shadows Survive

And Mary's Eyes

As Blue as Sky

Where Father Died

Shadows Survive

A Glowing Cross

The Polar Star

In Winter Night

Shadows Survive


From pride and foolish confidence,

From every waking creed,

From the dread fear of fearing,

Protect us, Lord, and lead.

Great God, who, through the ages,

Has braced the bloodstained hand,

As Saturn, Jove, or Woden

Has led our Warrior band.

Again we seek thy council,

But not in cringing guise,

We whine not for thy mercy,

To slay; God make us wise.

For slaves who shun the issue

Who do not ask thy aid,

To Thee we trust our spirits,

Our bodies, unafraid.

From doubt and fearsome bodings

Still Thou our spirits guard,

Make strong our souls to conquer.

Give us the victory, Lord.


This drunken night is set on fire

And on my side this sweet messiah

The flames are getting up and higher

I'm walking now on the thin wire

I'm picking up my doomed creation

For showing you my sweet sensation..

Broken & restless

Broken apart

Broken & restless

Tear it apart!

This evil life of mine oh-my

This sin six sex to your aliby

I wonder how low you will go

I wonder how high your head will flow

My arresting selfannihilation

Is bursting out your liberation..

Broken & restless

Broken apart

Broken & restless

Tear it apart!


Pod teškim ti teretom patiš, oj plaćite svakoga dana

Još danas ti sinove kolju, a Hrvatska krv lije iz rana

Tudžim nas imenom zovu, i djecu nam lažima ucće

Sa nama su tamnice pune, a u njima nas režu i muće

Hrvatska oj Hrvatska, draga naša Hrvatska

Sinovi za tebe ginu a i majke za tebe plaću

Hrvatska oj Hrvatska, draga naša Hrvatska

Za tebe ćemo se borit a i dat ćemo glavu našu


Samo se Bleiburga sjeti

Gdje god može krv su nam pili

Majkama rezali grudi

A i djećicu su nam pobili

Da Bleiburško polje je korno

U Hrvatskoj ostalo duši

Tamo su sinovi tvoji

Gdje dušman ih lažima sruši

Bokci i majke i djeca

Probaviše osvetu ljutu

Sve što je Hrvatsko bilo

Pobiše na križnome putu

A poribljena ostati nećes

Dok kćeri, sinova imaš

To dušmanin dobro znade

Zato ih ubija danima

PS Забавно, а я уже что-то понимаю...

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