A million things that I'm committed to write...Hey, let me try a new fandom and pairing! (FADD = Fandom Attention Deficite Disorder)
Linked back to my LJ:
Title: The Heart of the Woman Author: bugs
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2,400
Pairing: Bates/Anna
Spoilers: S1 and S3
Summary: A courtship happens at tableside over teacups, mending, and poetry.
A/N: Some S1 UST and Highlands fluff to fight off any S4 blues.
Title: The First LightAuthor: bugs
Rating: T
Word Count: 1700
Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance, UST
Characters: Mary, Anna Friendship; Anna/Bates; a whiff of Mary/Matthew
Spoilers: Through S4.7 but not in great detail.
Summary: Two friends trying to find their way free from their pain.