I know it's not Sunday night yet in the US, but I have a crazy busy day tomorrow and I wanted to get this posted in case I don't have time.
Mr Fellowes gives us a date stamp in the beginning of this eppy: 1918. Last one was eppy 2 with April, 1917.
So, the household has had, at the very least, 8 months of Isobel and Cora whining at each other. How horrendous for them. Trust me, once I have these shows on DVD I shall be ffing their scenes every time. :)
In this eppy, it's all about the ships!
I’m sure the Anna/Bates girls are feeling very good about themselves after watching this eppy!
Even Miss O’Brien can see how committed they are. “Next thing we know, we’ll have Anna running across the county dragging him back by his stick.” Okay, sorry, I know she’s awful, but I think that’s almost up there with a Violet statement.
Robert finds out Bates is down at the pub and decides to tell Anna. But, ROBERT, WAKE UP! HELLO! SHE KNOWS ALREADY!!!!!
We get the full effect of the family taking no notice of/forgetting the servants in the dining room in this eppy with Anna standing in as a footman (footwoman? footperson?) and everyone talking about her baby!Bates like she isn’t there. I don’t think this is deliberate on the family’s part. And I don't think they are trying to be cruel to Anna (somehow, the girl keeps her cool). It was just their way. No wonder those servants knew so much gossip, though!
Later, after a bit of bromance between Robert and Bates, we have moonlight cuddles. Did you all collapse then? They think they need to get used to being happy. Fangirls are happy with being happy. But, oh noes!, who is plotting in the foyer? Thomas and O’Brien! grrr...
You might think this eppy is a little light on with Carson/Hughes goodness, but there are a few things if you look closely! For starters, Elsie’s concerned about Mr Carson working too hard still, so she takes it upon herself to invite Mr Molesley over to be valet. Shouldn’t the valet be directly under Mr Carson? Nothing to do with her?
There’s also singing. Right next to each other. With little glances at each other. Yes, I was getting desperate for some shippy times, why do you ask?
This eppy proves this is a real valid ship. They definitely have a ‘moment’. He’ll miss her -- she hopes. *sniff*
Sorry, they have to get the vote for the most boring ship in the show. I’m not sure why. They are both very pretty, intelligent, passionate people, but...their chemistry? It just doesn’t seem to exist, does it? It’s a shame too. They seem perfectly fine actors when in scenes with other people, but the Branson/Sybil romance is so... What does everyone else think?
This week he tells her he’s not going anywhere until she admits to loving him and Mary finds out that something (but not anything really) is going on. I get the sense that in 2012, Branson would be arrested for stalking. :)
Anyone that ships them hard would have to be happy with this eppy too. Maybe Daisy just cares for William as a friend, but we have to agree that she does care for him. And she knows him. She realises that he would never just take off and/or not let them know of his change of plans, and that he must be, in fact, missing.
Various other downstairs stuff
I’m a one-ship girl, so I’m not going to get behind this pairing, but I do find it interesting the way Dr Clarkson gives it to Thomas as a favour for Mrs Hughes. I would say they are vague colleagues, but for her gossipy comment about Lady Mary. There is no way that Mrs Hughes would say such a thing about any member of the family to someone she didn’t know well or trust. Thoughts?
While we’re still talking the epically epic Elsie, how enticingly epic is she in this eppy? (say that 3 times really fast) “I know precisely what you were doing, Major.” Of course she does! She does it with Carson all the time! And, OMG, “I may not be a woman of the world, but I don’t live in a sack.” I will admit, I have quoted that line way too many times since I first heard it.
The way she turns her heard when Major Bryant walks out of the room kills me every time. And does everyone else love the way she bosses him around? He doesn’t even get the chance to question the notion that she isn't his superior. Do you think she was right to dismiss Ethel the way she did? Do you think Ethel had the right to come and say that Elsie *had* to help her in the end?
Poor ol’ Molesley. At least he’s found how he can help during the war.
I have to give a shout out to Mrs Patmore saying that she ‘felt it in her waters’ that William would be okay. No reason other than I couldn’t stop laughing as my mother (and consequently her daughter, that is, me) says this all the time. Well, I thought it was funny anyway. Do you say anything that they do on DA?
Carson is quiet in this eppy. Does anyone else wonder why he never got to sing at the concert? Surely one half of the Cheerful Charlies would have been cheap to book for the event.
Er...Was that Major Bryant doing the magic tricks?
Do we all love how Daisy is standing up for herself with Thomas finally? Yes, we do! You go girl! And does anyone else find Lady Edith’s attitude towards Daisy when compared to her attitude towards Ethel interesting?
I keep meaning to mention every week the odd relationship that Mary and Anna have. I know Anna was the first one Mary went to after Pamuk died in her bed in season 1, but I do find their friendship highlighted a lot more in this season. Anna’s age is never specified, is it? Do we think they would be the same age? Do we think they would really be so close as to confide in each other? Personally, I don’t see anything they could have in common to bond so. What does everyone think of this?
And, finally, I shall end with a quick note on Matthew’s singing when he returned. His voice is altogether much too perfect. Every time I see that scene I can’t help but wonder if I’m watching some Rodgers/Hammerstein musical.