Title: Fact v. Fiction
Author: Truemyth
Pairing / Character: Logan/Veronica
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,767ish
Summary: Two trials, and not much different. But what if… ?
Spoilers / Warnings: Through “Happy Go Lucky,” episode 2x21 / Smut, language, and cynicism.
Author’s Note: This fic dips it’s toe into the pool of AU and totally twirls it around a bit. Or does it?! … No, it totally does. Written for the
loveathons Courthouse Smutathon challenge. Beta’ed by
sarah_p of the totally rockin’ bod and awesome master of comma sutra.
X-posted to
fic_from_mars and
So this is how it is. The innocent suffer. The guilty go free. And truth and fiction are pretty much interchangeable. )