Title: Worm’s Meat
mutinousmuseRating: R
Word Count: 2, 666
Spoilers: General S2
Characters: Logan/Veronica, Weevil
Summary: Logan’s entanglement with the Fitzpatricks and the PCH’ers reaches a boiling point.
Author’s Notes: Warning: Experimental structure ahead. Please keep all hands and feet inside the go-cart. Written for the
loveathons Gift challenge. X-posted to
fic_from_mars and
veronicamarsfic. Thanks so much to
rachel_shanz for the beta!
He looked away, and she knew she should leave right then, walk out of the bathroom, go to Sheriff Lamb, tell him everything she knew, tell her father, go back to math class, take Backup for a walk, go to college, meet a nice boy majoring in Engineering, but instead she found herself grabbing the back of his neck and kissing him as though she would probably die from not doing so.)