Title: Veronica's Adventures in Law School (WIP 6/6)
Author: Rindee
Pairing: Veronica & Logan.
Additional Characters: Wallace, Keith, Weevil, and others.
Word Count: 7831
Rating: NC-17- language & adult situations.
Spoilers/Warnings: Through the end of S2.
Summary: AU future fic set five years after graduation - my take on what would happen if Logan and Veronica matured, tried to stay together in a somewhat healthy relationship, and chased bad guys too.
A/N: Begun as a one-shot for the
vmlyricfic challenge, but I was having so much fun.... This was my first WIP and it's been a blast to write. Thanks to everyone who has commented - I know I wouldn't have finished without you. Cross-posted to the
loveathons Epic challenge and
veronicamarsfic. My betas recommend you read chapters 1 - 5 first. And I have to thank my betas:
rejeneration, who leaves me speechless every time she whispers in my ear and whose work is awe-inspiring, and the wickedly sweet and decidedly wonderful
taken_with_you; all the smut in the chapter is their fault. A special thanks and love to the amazing
mastermia, who is just great and makes me laugh so hard I can't see straight. All mistakes are mine, as is the use of the dreaded "Ronnie" because, well, just because.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
How's the ring feel this morning?