The slapping of their skin together...

Nov 30, 2008 12:58

Draco and Hermione have sex again. There's some description along the lines of the only sound heard in the room is the slapping of their skin together.

Remember that fic I told you about here?

Well someone found it. Please to be going to this place:
and make sure you aren't drinking at the time of reading due to the dangers of spitting it all over your screen because of the irrepressible laughter that will escape your lips. Thank you.

Lol, OK it isn't that bad. Not as bad as the description made it sound anyway. Just...well.

Oh and also sorry about my recent fail. I haven't had any time to myself recently. I've been so busy trying to live around other people's schedules and I'm a little sick of it *sigh*

I read the second Twilight book yesterday while I was in bed. The only time I get to have to myself! Erm...well I still love Edward but the story's gone a little...blah. However my ridiculous fangirl brain keeps taking over and he's in my dreams dammit. I'm an Edward-holic ;D it's just a shame about the other stuff that surrounds him...

omg, fanfic, funny, wtf?

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