Oct 24, 2008 00:15

Here's a link to the drabble that my good friend sinistrasnape wrote ;)
Go check it out cos it rocks!
It was for the song meme and I gave her the prompt Snape/Giant Squid, with the option of a couple or not. I was expecting some crack story, but she surprised me with a really nice sensitive fic that made me of all people wanna hug Snape.


EDIT: Sorry I didn't think to check if it was friends locked or anything.

So under the cut is the drabble copy and pasted from Steph

Severus Snape/Giant Squid, song = "Black Night" ~ Deep Purple

Severus Snape sat near the black lake under the shade of a tree and sighed. He could hear James potter and Sirius Black laughing and listening to a muggle radio that Sirius had snuck into Hogwarts.
Snape had to grudgingly admit that the music was good. It was just the company that wasn't. Or rather lack of it.

Since he and Lily had fallen out he felt lonlier than he had ever in his whole life. And he didn't like it. He watched the Giant Squid in the lake and for a moment he felt that he identified with it. People kept out of the squid's way just like they kept out of his. Was the squid ever lonely too? he wondered.

"Maybe I'll find down the line, that I'm free. Free to be me" Sirius' radio rang out.

The lyrics struck a chord with Severus. He never felt that he could be himself at home. Not with his father's contempt of his abilities and although his housemates were civil enough to him he's never felt he could really be himself apart from when he was with Lily.
But now that was over he realised starting out at the squid again.

He just hoped that one day he would feel that way again.

*I could not make Snape and the Squid a couple. Bestiality is scary and a Squid = DEATH. LMAO :P

recs, hp, fanfic

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