How my white paint and I became best friends

Mar 19, 2008 16:33

So here I am taking a break from doing art work *sigh* I'm starting to get quite stressed. Last night I spent about 2 hours crying cos I felt so lost and like I had too much work to do. Also cos everyone just assumes I'm like this because I 'should have done it sooner'. I want to strangle these people. Yes, that even includes my mom who has said like 20 thousand times. I think that unless you've done art you couldn't understand how it is when you have a project. There is never any end. There is always something you can do. The whole thing is how much of it you can get done. I never feel like I have enough, or that its good enough. No one seems to understand this and everyone is just stressing me out more.

My final piece is a painting. Even though I'm almost surgically attached to my pencil, you just can't do a final piece in it and get the same effect. So anyway I'm using paint and Oh! I thought do you know what would be fun? To extend the old fashioned style I'm doing the picture in, I should forget about black and white and paint in sepia tones...WTF! I hate it when ideas seem really good at the time and then turn out to just fuck you over. Why do we never learn that if something seems really good when you think of it - it won't actually work when you come to do it! Its sods law unfortunately. I hate sepia and if I never see brown or yellow paint again it won't be a day too soon. But I guess it should turn out OK, maybe.

I have also discovered that white paint is my best friend! It has helped me correct so many mistakes in the past hour it is untrue. I know you probably aren't really meant to do that but I don't care, it has made my picture look slightly more presentable so why not.

Sorry about all this stressing, I'm just trying to vent. I'm probably going to do an all nighter. And not the good kind where you go to the park drinking with your mates and falling in bushes and then end up being in town at half 5 in the morning and wondering when McDonalds will open cos your hungry (lol). No I mean the type where you stay up WORKING all night and drinking red bull. Well in my case red bull knock off. Hey! its just as good. Plus you can get a liter bottle for the same price as one small can of red bull.

Ooh on a happier note I had a mad grinning fit when I saw that I had been mentioned on the rs_prophet and the sirius_news. I don't believe I've been on these before. Or I've never noticed. It just made me feel good to see my name up there.

If I had enough time I would love to be an editor for sirius_news but unfortunately I just can't commit right now. I've got too much on my plate.
This Easter holiday - which starts on Friday for 2 ish weeks, will be spent working again! However hopefully I will be able to do more writing and balance it with my art still. Cos I need to be getting going with my rs_games story/s. I really want to do both of them and I'm gonna try really hard. I have also offered my services as a beta to anyone in the mwpp team. For plot and character development mostly as I'm not brilliant with the grammar or punctuation like brighty18 is. I'm OK but just with the basics. For example I always forget when to use this : and many other things.

But that is enough for now. Just a few mentions though.
quartetship I will most likely email you back this weekend but it may be before if I get the chance.
justaiden Don't worry about not being a puff ;) We can still be friends! lol

I don't expect that I do, but if there is, for whatever reason, any readers of my journal who have not let themselves be known, then please go to rs_games and join in the voting when it starts. I'm so excited about it. That also goes for any of my friends who aren't taking place. Are there more than two who aren't? I'm not sure. Anyway I'm just saying - anyone who reads this go there and watch cos I want people to join in with this when it starts cos I'm so excited!!!

EDIT Is anyone doing this?

For those of you who don't already know, there has been a strike scheduled for Friday, March 21st, 2008, during which we hope to have many members of LiveJournal provide LJ with absolutely no content for twenty-four hours. This means no posting and no commenting. If you post elsewhere and have it set up to be posted through a feed on LiveJournal, don't do it. Stay away from LiveJournal for twenty-four hours. That can't be too hard, can it? I know some of you are probably quite active on LiveJournal and will find it hard to stay away for an entire day, just as I will, but this is something that needs to be done, to show the people running LiveJournal that we're watching the changes they are making, that we're paying attention, that we're discontent, and that we want to be heard and taken in to consideration. We are not simply users who can be tossed to the side and ignored. We are the people who make up LiveJournal. Without us, without the content we create, without our words, our voices, our creativity, our participation, there would be no LiveJournal. This is a fact, and it needs to be realized and understood and then taken in to consideration when making decisions regarding the way that LiveJournal is run. The strike is only a few days away, so there isn't all too much time to prepare. While this is unfortunate, it isn't enough to keep this strike from taking place. It will take place, the second it is meant to, and it would be best to have as many people take part as possible. Please, spread the word. Spread it fast. There are only a few days to organize this. If you find that you care about LiveJournal or care about the people you interact with on LiveJournal or simply want it to remain a place where you can entertain yourself without constant censorship and money-hungry practices being thrown in without the consideration of those who use the service, act now. If you don't wish to spread the word, that is fine, but please: refrain from using LiveJournal on Friday, March 21st. Do something else for a change. It's for a good cause. (:

For background on this strike and why it is being held, please read the following posts:

To find out exactly when the strike begins and ends, depending on where you are located, please see this:

The 24-hour strike will begin at the following times for the following locations:

Thursday, March 20, 2:00 PM -- Honolulu
Thursday, March 20, 4:00 PM -- Anchorage
Thursday, March 20, 5:00 PM -- San Francisco; Los Angeles
Thursday, March 20, 6:00 PM -- Mexico City; Denver
Thursday, March 20, 7:00 PM -- Chicago
Thursday, March 20, 8:00 PM -- Montreal; New York
Thursday, March 20, 9:00 PM -- Buenos Aires
Midnight -- London
Friday, March 21, 1:00 AM -- Paris
Friday, March 21, 2:00 AM -- Istanbul
Friday, March 21, 3:00 AM -- Moscow
Friday, March 21, 4:00 AM -- Dubai
Friday, March 21, 5:00 AM -- Islamabad
Friday, March 21, 6:00 AM -- Bangladesh
Friday, March 21, 7:00 AM -- Bangkok
Friday, March 21, 8:00 AM -- Singapore
Friday, March 21, 9:00 AM -- Tokyo
Friday, March 21, 10:00 AM -- Brisbane
Friday, March 21, 11:00 AM -- Sydney
Friday, March 21, 12 Noon -- Suva

What's this about?

* It's about free and ad-free LiveJournal accounts being abolished for new members, ignoring the advice from the newly-formed Advisory Board.
* It's about LJ staff trying to sneak this decision in under the radar, and when people found out, telling the users it was done 'to make the sign up process less confusing'.
* It's about LJ staff failing to apologize for trying to hide the facts from view and for lying about the actual reasons for their actions.
* And finally, it's about the latest decision to hide certain user interests from the list of Most Popular Interests, some of them being fan fiction, bisexuality, sex and depression. This decision was not announced or explained in any way. Users found out for themselves.

How Can I Help?

DO post about this in your own LJ.
DO post and comment about it in appropriate communities.
DO remember that it's based on Greenwich Mean Time, which may not be your local time.
DO turn off LoudTwitter and your RSS feeds for 24 hours.

DON'T forget to get permission from community mods before making an off-topic post or comment about the strike.
DON'T be spammy with your posts or comments about the strike.
DON'T forget to turn your LoudTwitter and RSS feeds back on when the strike is over.

random, rambling, rl, rs_games, remus/sirius

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