Decisions, decisions *sigh*

Mar 07, 2008 16:23

I'm toying with my rs_games ideas. I don't really want to claim a prompt until I'm definitly decided on which one I want. A few of them have taken me but I wanna type up some preliminary ideas to see which one is going to go in a better direction. It's kinda ending up between a really romantic fic, a seriously! angsty fic, which I never really do in Remus/Sirius usually, or a general humor fluff one. I won't state from which prompts cos we're meant to keep it anonymous and everything but I'm so stuck.

I've started writing one of them but I'm very very uncertain about it. It's kinda good, but I don't want kinda good. I want the best I can do, fabulously good! It's different when your writing for a team cos you have to try so much harder cos it isn't just your expectations you have to live up to any more.

I'm feeling good about it but a bit nervous still. I'll feel better once I've decided on my prompt. But I may have to enlist the help of a beta to decide which one to choose. I need to finish writing up the prelim ideas for the other ones AND carry on with my Teddy POV for the post_potter angst challenge. Phew! So much to do so little time.

Oh by the way I randomly found this community that is for fics dealing with Remus and Tonks breaking up or something along those lines. It just has THE funniest name - too_old_too_gay It made me laugh loads.

And did you know that there seems to be quite a big following for Tonks/Fleur, well I never.

P.S I NEED to know who drew this picture. I've seen it around loads and I really should know who did it but I can't remember and it is really starting to annoy me. Can anyone help? I can only find the icon version of this picture since I don't even know what it's called or anything. Just click on the link below.

P.P.S I caught the end of Brothers and Sisters last night (at least I think thats what its called). I've never seen it before cos it didn't seem interesting but when I watched it last night there was BOY!KISSING. Why did nobody tell me this?! I am so interested now. Does anyone watch this?

recs, fanfic, rs_games, remus/sirius

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