Complete rant and a smidge of life

Feb 29, 2008 14:11

Oh for gods sake! I think I've just managed to delete all the pictures that I've put in any post. That's annoying. I can't be bothered to go and check all of them though. Stupid LJ.

Anywho, so yes its Friday! Yay are you getting that Friday feeling? lol

It is also the 29th of February which is traditionally the day that girls ask the man in their life to marry them. Not sure why this became tradition but you know. I certainly will not be proposing to any one. Personally I would prefer for my boyfriend to propose to me. I'm a bit old fashioned that way.

I'm freezing cold as usual. I seriously am starting to think that it is my mother punishing me for something. Why does the woman never put the fecking heating on?!

I am feeling so unbelievably tired today. I think it's cos the weather outside is shit any rainy and I just can't be bothered to do anything and it makes me feel all s....l....o....w

I have actually sent my
post_potter march challenge story to...a beta. I know it shocked me too. I wanted a beta cos I came to the end of my thought process with what I was writing but it just seemed to me that it was cut short, like it didn't have a proper ending. So yes, hopefully I'll have that back by the weekend and then I will be in time for the challenge. For once! This is actually the most organized I can remember being for something lol. So yea I'm just hoping for some plot advice as it were. I'm doing Teddy/James again lol. I can't help it, its just what comes out.

*waves at
quartetship* I has your email and I have to say it has been the most interesting so far. Can't wait to send you one back.

Some people in my year have organized a 'prom' type thing for the end of the year. We don't usually have one at the end of this year but looking at it I have known most of these people for 7 years. That's a long time. It's to have a final goodbye and be the last time we will all be able to get together before going to uni or the world of work. I'm just not convinced I should go. I mean yea I've know these people for 7 years but I haven't liked them for 7 years. I didn't exactly have an easy time at school and now at college I have a limited selection of friends, only those who I know aren't gonna fuck me over. I'm just not sure if I should bother paying the 25 quid and all the rest of the money and bother with the dress etc to spend the night with a majority of people I don't like. Oh decisions, decisions. I might go cos it could turn out to be a good night. Oh I don't know! (I'm so feckin indecisive)

I forgot to post the other day but last weekend it was my two friends joint 18th party. It was awesome! They had rented a hall and it was a bring your own booze party. I just can't even tell you how much I drank that night. I seriously did drink everyone else under the table yet I was the one still dancing at the end of the night. I was also practically the only one who didn't wake up with a hangover. So I text all my friends at half 9 in the morning to tell them that! lol I got a few quite rude replies as you can imagine.
But I did suffer for all the dancing. I managed somehow to pull the muscle just above my knee on both legs. My feet also killed from my heels. So yea that was fun trying to dive lol

I need to seriously start doing my art work. I can't start slacking now, I'm too close to what I've been working towards for 2 years to fuck it up now. They also say that A-levels are the hardest exams you'll ever take so yes I'm not exactly looking forwards to it. I shall have to do some meditation a bit closer to the date. Free my mind and everything. I did some with my boyfriend before he took his A-levels and he went from completely stressing to calmer than me. It was really fun. I had this meditation from a white witch's magic book. It has loads of useful spells and things in there. I was using the bit to do with chakras and it worked pretty well. I haven't managed to do many of the other spells cos they require you to have a small alter place that wont be disturbed. I have no room to that anywhere here. Also I'm not 100% sure if I believe that type of magic. I mean I like the idea of it yea but you know. I do believe in the aura's and chakras and things though.

Anyway that's enough for me for now. I'm going to go have a shower and hopefully warm up a bit. I'll prob come back on after to write for my TA story. (which I have updated in case anyone cares. Find it HERE) I've just been pushing it to the side for ages but I really need to get going on it. Its just that I'm working on The Prank chapter atm and I'm trying to get it right. It also isn't the most inspiring chapter and the thing is I keep getting ideas for other chapters that are months in the future from what I'm writing.

I am so annoyed as well cos I have to go to an art college open day tomorrow and I have no fucking idea how to get there and my mom seems to think that it is perfectly acceptable to expect me to figure it out completely on my own. I am useless at directions and I couldn't find the right way anywhere to save my life. She knows the way and theres no harm in just telling me how to get there. Shes in one of her funny moods though. I think shes just upset at me cos I stuck up for my sister the other day when it was obvious she had skipped a day of school but I tried to stick up for her anyway cos you know thats what you do. I think she took it as I'm working against her. *sigh* nothing ever just goes for me it's always so frustrating.

Anyway I am really going now to shower and eat.
x x x

parties, rl, my fanfic, birthdays, marauders, remus/sirius

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