I just saw that as a lead in for the 'Being Bobby Brown' Christmas special. Damn, man! I just had a totally kick ass Michael Kors quote and I forgot it! Ugh, damn me and this memory! I was trying really hard to remember it and now look where I am. The purpose of this update is to point out the dwindling of reality TV.
Last seasons "Project Runway" gave me something to talk about for days upon days, but now...not so much. Heidi Klum taped this season pregnant and she's really quite cute. I think this is almost the best part. Bravo really brings out the fag hag in a girl, but again...not so much. Austin Scarlet was IT for "Project Runway"! He looked like a cross between Carson Kressley and Patrick Swayze and he was FABULOUS! He had the damn grace and totally embodied this "Gone With the Wind"/Vivian Leigh vibe. BTW, "Gone With the Wind" is actally a really good and funny movie if you have the time to watch and the ability to understand and interpert. Back to "Project Runway"...so, none of the fags are worth swooning over. Even Jay from last season wasnt attractive, but his personality was off the charts. These new guys are horrible and unattractive. Daniel's back from last season--the idiot that got drunk, swung from the lamp post, and fell to the sidewalk smacking his skull against the pavement. That fool is back. I havent even bothered to learn names. There are two Asian chicks, 3 gay dudes, one black chick, one older lady--who's not anything like Wendy Pepper (that bitch)--who is self taught, a white chick with a weird name...it's just too much to go into detail with. I mean, the older chick is always asking for help--which could be a ploy to get them to help her so much that they lose their focus and she takes it all; the gays are TOO dramatic; and is it me or does that black chick look kin to Miss Jay from ANTM? You be the judge...
The path to seeking Miss Jay's little brother in a rainbow coalition of strangely not so attractive people Speaking of ANTM, why the hell did they pick Nicole and her eyebrows that look like giant fuzzy caterpillars? I didnt get to watch too much of ANTM this season, but the clearer choice would have been Nik and even Bree. NOT Nicole. Eff that trick, man! I saw the reunion tonight on UPN which was nothing more than Tyra's show w/o the showing of the show's name so much. I wasnt impressed with the "Southern" pageant chich who bitched about getting her hair cut shorter. If I were on that show and I had a confessional it'd go a little something like this:
"Bitch please. :| It's hair, cut that shat and get over it. It grows back, fool! :|"
And she was on this reunion show still bitching about her damn hair. I was too through with her. I'm just still mad that Nicole won. That damn Lisa...I still dont dig her. Corryn's little something something something "drunk bitch" line had me holding my sides! It was so true, yet so funny all at the same time. I'm still mad that Nicole won that I had to type it again. Great, let's bring back the whole "Cocaine Chic" look that scrawny arsed Kate Moss started. What's this wold of reality TV coming to?! ...oh and Ebony actually said "OH EM GEE" or OMG in the world of blogging on national television. Not "Oh my God" but "OH EM GEE!"
"Trading Spouses" anyone? Was it jut me or was any one else mad that the white husband whose name I cant remember had Octavia doing all that slave type shat? "I dont know how to separate the clothes, could you help me?" Yeah, well it should come easy to you seeing as how a whole generation of white folks managed to keep us separate from you--sorting colors should be easy as pie. Then he had her cleaning the house and out at the pool and THE absolute last straw for me came when he had her picking--PICKING--strawberries in the yard. Hell to the NAH, Bobby! Hell to the nah! Picking strawberries is some straight up bullshat! Forcible labor a.k.a. SLAVERY ended quite some time ago and I'll be damned if I see a black woman on "REALITY" TV picking some gotdayum strawberries while some lazy arsed white man just stands there and watches. Eff that ess, son! ...let me calm down, man...
How come on Bravo's "Party/Party" there's always someone from the O.C. a.k.a. Orange County? Some spoiled arsed person with no taste. The first was a girl's high school graduation party and her mom brought tons and tons of liquor and got so drunk that she smacked her son and actually sat next to her daughter and said "This is my baby....she came out of my crotch!" And the daughter's "Chic" haircut was NOT that. And the son was totally gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but how many little boys do you know sit in the bathroom with their sisters and coach her on her hair? She actually said "he's pretty good with putting things together...like knowing what goes with what." Very suspect. The second show was a wedding show and the woman from the OC got marries in a damn crimson colored gown. The bridesmaids wore black with red sashes and all the wedding goers wore black or something dark. I truly thought that phase was over. But a crimson colored dress? I have no words...despite the fact that crimson is in the same family as my favorite color.
"Queer Eye the Wedding Series"...I feel totally horrible for neglecting my Fab Five guys, but "Nip/Tuck" has certain powers over me. I'm trying to catch up now, so I'll have to report back on that later. So that was my rant on reality TV..."BAREFOOT APPALACHIAN LIL ABNER BARBIE"! I finally remembered that Michael Kors quote!