May 24, 2004 01:06
well today was pretty awful. work sucked. so busy and tireing. i was thinking,
"if one more person comes up here and orders something, im gonna flip".
but yea. then i came home. not much to talk about there.
a certain someone said certain things that made me smile.
i think i heart her. and she may as well heart me.
omg omg omg!
so does this mean, we're talking?
haha iwas trying to figure out what that meant. when you're, talking, to someone.
tonight, around 10:45 or so, Kim! and her friend Sarah came and picked me up.
we immediatly drove to burger king in hopes of getting hershey pies.
as we pull up to the drive thru..we sit there..and they turn off all the lights!
haha so sarah drove all the back up and around, to the drive thru..and just started beeping her horn.
we drove around listening to dane cook i fucking love him.
again, hilarious.
then we back to Kims house.
they built a fort in her room!
an assembly of sheets and shower curtains over her bed and tv.
we hung out and watched tv.
and here i am at 1am updating my journal.
so tonight, i spent the night hanging out with two 18 year old girls whom i never met before.
except for kim but we never met in person.
can we say, PIMP?
jay z would be proud.
haha. sike. im lame.
and i have work tomorrow. 11-6. eh. w/e.
night night.