New to LJ...

Jan 06, 2013 02:49

Ok so I am new to Live Journal, I've joined a few groups so I'm not sure what "group" this post will show up under...I've joined an anxiety & panic disorder group, addiction group, and a few others. I am 34yrs. old and I have GAD and I am an alcoholic. I also struggle with major self-esteem issues, and I was diagnosed with ADD as a young child. My first panic attack happened when I was 24. I was at work and suddenly felt like I was going to literally die. I called my mom and she said "it sounds like your having a panic attack." My mom has suffered with anxiety her whole life. I've been through a lot in the past 15 years and I won't go into it all, for now I am just looking for some support & people who understand me and what it's like to live with major anxiety, addiction, and negative self-image issues. I went to rehab and got sober on May 29, 2007 and was sober for almost 5 1/2 years until recently in October when I drank 2 nights, then just the other night on NYE I had some champagne and a glass of red wine (I stuck my finger down my throat & made myself throw it all up 2 of those 3 nights.) I'm having trouble with having to start fresh with the amount of sobriety I have, I like to say I still have 5 years because I feel like I still have that and am proud of it, but I know by AA standards, I'm supposed to start counting my days all over since the last time I drank. What do you guys think? Any advice/comments/questions are welcomed and would be greatly appreciated :)

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