Jenga Club is serious business, dammit.
So is Anime North.
I play Jenga like a crazywoman, according to Jonathon. I sing and dance and pull the pieces out without care. Hahah.
A few weeks back, the Jenga Club went to Anime North. It took for-fricking-ever to get there, but it was fun. Way better than the anime fests back home - the cosplayers were at times impressive and scary.
Who knew Rik Mayall worked for the Aperture Science Centre? AMIRITE?!
I took this through a glass wall; he only looked up last minute, and man, he had Altair down to a tee. Very hawklike. I really need to play/finally finish that game.
Perfect! Except for the sneaks.
Yes, I am aware these are all very subpar PICTURES. Not photographs.
A big photo post of Malcolm's trip to Toronto Island, later this week.