Good Samhain One & All

Oct 29, 2009 23:32

I am taking a break from planning and packing and remembering and crossing things off lists as I prepare for a weekend of ritual, magic, hanging out, laughing, dancing, feasting, hot-tubbing and general all around lovely wickedness with members of the BlackHeart tribe and a few of our beloved "favorites."

As we dine with the Dead and dance across the mountaintop here in New England, we will blow kisses to our far-flung family dancing beneath the same full moon on another mountaintop amid a circle of stones.  We will remember those in all the places we are aware of--gathering together to honor the Ones Gone Before.  Our feet dance with your feet.  Our hands join yours across the miles and continents and seas.  Our voices raised in power join yours.  Our faces lifted skyward in awed silence before Her Triple Will.  Spiral from center to edge and back again, breathless until the Power is spent.  We may not be together in body, but our spirits soar in union working the Old Magics made new in us.

We have been this way before.
We will pass this way again.
When first we meet, we are remembering old friends.

Good Samhain.
Be Thou Blessed in Love and in Power.

blessings, ancestors, samhain, witch craft

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