
Sep 28, 2009 17:59

Yes, I'm still pimping my new blog over at
No that endeavor is not strictly (gasp!)  for Feri, or Witches or even pagans.  It's for anyone and everyone who could use a little straight talk and encouragement on their Way.  I'm reposting part of this weeks post here, because even though most of my LJ readers are somehow connected with Feri Tradition/Crat/paganism in one way or another . . . . sometimes it's helpful to hear the same things said in a different way.  The rest of the Weekly Post and the Daily Commitments are at blogspot.  Enjoy

Right here, we recognize how desperately we need to forgive ourselves for being so mean to ourselves for being imperfect.

Right now we begin the work of forgiving ourselves for setting ourselves up to fail by erecting false gods of perfection.

Right now might be the moment to admit we need help.  Or that we are leaving.  Or that we are depressed, anxious, distraught, lonely, alcoholic,  or addicted to prescription or street drugs.

Right now we stand up and stare clear eyed into the face of our addiciton to food, television, money, stuff, relationships, sex, gambling, shopping, ego or power.

Right now, no matter how far along your path you are, it's time to get honest so you can begin.

Take a breath.  Long.  Full.  Deep.  And let it out.  And see your resistance to the journey of self awareness and healing drop away from you with your breath.  See your fear gather in your belly like a stone.  See it  drop into the still water of that part of you which is already whole.  Give it over.  Surrender.

And take another breath.  The time is now.  There is no better time.  No more excuses.  No more denial.  No more lying to yourself that it's too scary.

The life you are living right now is scary.  We live in a culture which requires we lie to ourselves and everyone else, saying things like, "I'm fine," and "I'm doing really well,"   and "Don't worry about me!"

If we begin to tell the truth we might not ever stop.  And what a relief that would be.

now, addiction, self awareness, honesty, truth, alignment, co-dependence, healing, begin

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