
Jul 21, 2009 19:01

Two weeks ago today there was a lunar eclipse of the full moon.  Today, a solar eclipse during dark moon.  In another two weeks, another lunar eclipse.   I am only peripherally knowledgeable about astrology but strongly believe we are affected by such large events as these eclipses.  I don't abide by astrological predictions as a rule but do read them for the additional layer of information they provide (my favorites are and  In my world view, Free Will trumps eclipses, moon cycles, planetary retrogrades and even annual Sabbats . . . . but still, it's been an interesting few weeks and I look forward to all this being over so I can look back and discern what the hell happened while the celestial bodies played peek-a-boo with each other this summer.

If you know me at all, you know I use the dictionary often.  Here's what it (yeah,  I've already forgotten which one.  So, sue me)  says about eclipse as both a noun and a verb:

noun 1. obscuring, covering, blocking, shading, dimming, extinction, darkening, blotting out, occultation
noun 2. decline, fall, loss, failure, weakening, deterioration, degeneration, diminution
verb 3. surpass, exceed, overshadow, excel, transcend, outdo, outclass, outshine, leave or put in the shade (informal)
verb 4. obscure, cover, block, cloud, conceal, dim, veil, darken, shroud, extinguish, blot out

Verbs 3 and 4 are interesting in that one definition opposes the other.  I guess it depends upon whether one is the one being eclipsed or the one doing the eclipsing.

A good friend of mine insists that eclipses effectively "eclipse out" of our lives the patterns, beliefs, behaviors, relationships and/or situations which are no longer tenable or sustainable.  Another says that what was obscured or hidden from view comes fully into view so it can be seen and dealt with out in the open.

I said earlier that I am a proponent of the universal law of Free Will.  As such, I am opting for this series of eclipses to reveal what has been obscured so I can deal with and surpass it.  One thing I know for sure is that the instructions, "Please keep your seatbelts fastened and your hands inside the ride at all times" seems like some sage advice right about now.

self awareness, eclipse, celestial bodies

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