First Moon

Dec 03, 2008 07:46

Last night a circle of magical sisters gathered in honor of my Daughter's first moon.

What a powerful and gorgeous experience.  I am so happy for my girl to have been welcomed into the circle of women's mysteries with such tenderness, sweetness and magic!  Stories, songs, laughter and blessings were shared within the Red Tent created in her honor.  Photos of her infancy and childhood, artwork she made in elementary school,  the gifts given at her Blessing Way while she was still in the womb filled the altars amid candles and herbs, seashells and goddess images, symbols of transformation and feminine power. 
Beforehand, I bathed her in rose and almond scented water.  It is the last time I will bathe my daughter--this part of the ritual marked the transition away from childhood dependence.  Afterward, she was radiant.  She looked, suddenly taller, stronger, more solid.

Stories have poured in from around the world from women telling of thier first moon.  Some were slapped in the face as their welcome to the ranks of women,.  Some were terrified, as no one had prepared them for the sight of blood between their tender thighs. Others were too ashamed to tell even their mothers.  Even today, my daughter speaks of girlfriends who hate their bodies and what is happening to them.  How beautiful that my daughter has been reminded of the mystery, the cyclical Nature of her own tides and those of GrandMother Moon.   Knowledge is power and she has been gifted with the combined experience of hundreds of years of women's Knowing.   How tremendous that our Daughters are being welcomed with "honor and humility, strength and compassion, mirth and reverance!"

Thank you to everyone who sent stories and gifts and those of you who stopped for a moment last evening to send a breath of power to my daughter.

daughters, moontime, women's mysteries, magic, red tent, menarche

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