Feb 27, 2005 23:45
What can I say, being in Cinderella made a difference in my life. Thank you to all of you who made this show truly remarkable.
This show was magic. Because of the fact that every single person that was involved was one of those daft and dewy eyed dopes, our dreams came true, because we believed in them and dedicated ourselves to this beautiful show. And it worked, we had a wonderful show that sold out almost every night. I will never forget the time I spent working on this show.
But all good things must come to an end, The clock has struck midnight and we are leaving the ball and entering the "normal" world again, but we all have something with us from that night. Cinderella found true love, I found it too, in many different forms. I will always hold these memories dear in a little corner in my heart.
Rob- you cease to amaze me. I loved the night that we spent reblocking A Lovely Night. I know how lucky we all are to have you, and to have had you direct us in this show. I admire you as a director as well as a person and a friend. I always enjoy time spent with you. Thank you!
Sarah- thank you for always being concerened with my well being. I love always telling you my drama in my life. You are such a wonderful person and you made this show fun as well. I really hope to see you soon.
Kenny- I can't tell you what a wonderful job you did on this show. You were the best Prince I could have asked for and I don't blame cinderella for falling in love with Christopher Rupert one bit. I'm glad we got to do yet another CTFE show together. Oh and I'll talk to you soon so we can sing together again. And it was so nice to meet Howie.
Elissa- You are such a wonderful best friend. I love spending time with you, you are fun and caring and an altogether wonderful human being. I feel like we have soo much in common and we can relate to eachother so well. I Love you soo much and you mean so much to me, and I know that we will be hanging out together a lot in the future. yay my lunch buddy!
-you guys have got me crying again!
Becky- you always make me cry, It's because I love you soo much! I admire you soo much and I think the world of you. You bring so much joy to everyone around you (especially me!) and you are one of the kindest people I know. Thank you so much for making life wonderful and for letting me trim your mask too!hehehe!
Emily- I Love you soo much. I love that we know eachother like the back of our own hands! I'm soo glad that we are best friends and I can't imagine what life would be like if we weren't. We always think the same thing and it cracks me up. You made this show so enjoyable for me. Thank you for helping me "transform" everynight backstage (even when you were scrubbing my face off!". We have to continue seeing eachother or I'll cry. I miss you already!
Laura- I'm so glad I can be twins with someone as pretty and wonderful as you! Just listening to you makes me smile, you always have something amazing to say and I'm so glad that I Have you. I Love you. and I love your attitude, I can't even explain it but something about you just makes me soo happy! I'm so blessed to have you as my friend. I love you.
Kevin- I don't want to imagine life in Camarillo without you because it's not okay ever! I really don't know how we went this long without being best friends, I guess it's just one of those mysteries that only Mr. Camarillo knows. I know that if I ever need to be happy I'll just cally you up, or go to your house, or think of something you did because you constantly make me happy. You are an amazing person and I'm soo glad to have you as my friend!
Mandy- You are one of the funniest people I know. I loved acting with you on stage and even though you always made me laugh, I'm glad to be your friend. you truly are a sweet person and I'm glad that I'll be seeing a lot of you.
Ian- you are such an awesome person and I will always love venting to you (especially when there's pizza!) you are one of the sweetest guys I know and I'm glad that we get to hangout so much. You make the world better.
There are so many people that I'm missing Trevor, Joey, Dan, and just know that I love you all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I took Rob's advice the other night and laid on the battlefield in scilence. It was amazing. I thanked God for this experience. I do believe that I have changed from when we first started rehearsing and I thank you all for having a part in my life. I truly loved every minute of Cinderella. Thank You!
I will never forget that Impossible things are happening everyday, and if you wish hard, and believe in what you're wishing, even foolish dreams come true.
Thank You!