Ooh yeah! Okay, so I started off this morning by not going to French but going to the French department to change my schedule from one French class to another.. I totally copped out of that first French test! And I didn't study in vain, either, 'cause the class that I'm joining now is gonna pick up right where my last class left off.. and I'm ready! I really am! And my new French professor seems so nice and friendly, too! I walked out of that French department office feeling lighter than air, and I just kept grinning the entire day. Yay for new beginnings. :D
Also went to the math department and changed my math class from 408D to 408M (just Multivariable instead of Series, Sequences, and Multivariable). Hmm.. it seems like I haven't missed out on much.. we just covered arc lengths and areas under polar graphs today.. stuff that I'd already learned in Calc II! Yay for Hassan's prep. :D
So here's my updated
Then I went to my Comp Sci class (which I dropped later 'cause I'm gonna learn the stuff in a later EE class anyway.. and I'm already taking 15 hours, as it is).. and I learned a lot about C , actually. It's really surprising how much a person can learn in 1.5 hours. The instructor was a grad student, and he looked kinda.. hippie-ish.. but he's actually really cool and funny.. aww.. too bad I won't be in that class :|
Hmm.. got hungry, so I went with Mary to get food.. she went to Taco Bell, and I went to Burger King. (Crossing Austin streets w/o a traffic light is so impossible! I had to run straight across from one side to the other, and I could've sworn a car drove by less than 2 seconds after I made it to the other side.)
Came back.. and 2 hours later, Ho asked me if I wanted to go eat at Kinsolving, and I was like, "Sure!".. so we got our food and found his roomie, Sunny .. and I just started my fish whennnn..
Okay.. everyone had to leave the building 'cause apparently there's a fire. *siiiigh* Talk about awful timing! And so we all go outside.. we, as in, the whole Kinsolving dorm and all the people in the cafeteria.. well, at least I made two new friends, lol. Fariya found me and introduced me to her roomie Yunlei or something and her other friend Maria or something, lol. (Aren't I good with names? :P)
So yeah we finally go back inside after 45 minutes, and I finish my cold fish. :(
Bleh, after eating, I went back to my room and took a small nap.. or tried to. There're some crazy preppy white girls in this dorm, and they're super loud and hyper! Allll the time! I mean, once in a while, it's okay, but I don't need any screaming when I'm trying to be productive. So yeah.. I finally fell asleep again annnnd..
OK, WTF?! Deja vu?! Someone's getting a lil' too fire drill happy! So it's out into the street again, for another 10 or so minutes.
*sigh* By this time, my nap has been utterly ruined, so now I'm forced to do my homework. :P (Well, this might be a good thing.. but still! It was sooo annoying!)
Oh yes, and on a side note.. I dearly love all those 31337 people who make using Photoshop CS for free possible. :D