I think I've finally found someone to make my website for me and I'm so excited.
It's been so long since Toast was up and running properly, and I've really missed alot of things about it. Obviously the money is the major thing, a little extra income never goes a miss, but I've also missed packaging things up, hearing when things arrive (and when people love their new goodies!), and writing the little descriptions for everything.
I really, really haven't missed the whole process of updating the site though, adding thumbnails and links to every page, fluffing around with a whole bunch of computer stuff I really didn't understand.
So in theory my new site will be easier to update, less cluttered to look at and buy things from, and overall really neat. I've given my site designer a whole bunch of links to pages I love, and some images I'd like to use, and she's working on mock-ups as I type! eeee!
And not a minute to soon either, my pile of finished products is outgrowing its box, and I'm sick of having no-where to list it all. Especially now Etsy's fees have come into effect.. what with not really selling anything since having listed (only five sales in a few months now!), it's not really worth my while to keep listing everything. So I estimate by the launch of my new site, hopefully around january, I'll have 80-100 products : )
Things in my house would be a little nicer if I did have a little extra income at the moment. The whole holiday season stress is starting to kick in for me. I'm wondering how we'll afford nice christmas food, how we'll buy presents, how we'll buy a tree (and how i'll decorate it), and how we'll afford to do all the nice things we like to do around that time of the year.
I'm also getting my bike on Monday or Tuesday, and although my dad is kindly paying most of it, I'll have to fork out a little towards my helmet and basket ( What's a bike without a basket?). And then there's a the safety barriers we need now that Aesop is getting mobile, a new baby monitor because the lady who's lending us hers wants it back, a haircut because I'm sick of feeling like a dumpy, boring mother-type... the list goes on.
At least the weather is good I guess.
I wonder what this Summer will entail, Last Summer was filled with this for me, it seems so long ago!: