Well, the time has officially come for a great big studio makeover.
We hmmed and harred over swapping our studio and our bedroom rooms over, but in the end decided the size diffence wouldn't be huge enough to make it worth while, and then we decided we'd wait until we'd painted it, but after the fiasco with the landlady we've decided not to paint anything until she lets us paint eveything (we're so stubborn. ha).
So, that leaves us with the little room we're in at the moment. It's not very big, and we share it. But it has its good points too. I look out a big window, which is nice for the view and for the amount of light it gives. And luckily for us our stuff usually fits in quiet nice and snugly in our little studio room.
But alas, my fabric stash has recently outgrown its little shelving, and was overflowing from the shelves, four quad crates, a washing basket and a box! hah! ( I know.. I need to do more sewing! and quick!). So the most logical solution? a LOT of shelving! So that's what's happening. I'm getting shelving in one corner of my studio! From floor to ceiling! Yay!
It should be up by tonight, and I'll tidy and re-organise the studio tonight and tommorrow, so here are the 'before' photos, which are actually 'in progress' photos, as they're of my studio as it is now, with everything off the shelves, and on the floor!
The first photo is the set of shelves I was using before, and the corner where the shelves will go!