Apr 23, 2011 21:17
So the first Seder went with a lot of stumbling and fumbling. I am very glad I did it though. Ben was talking about next year so I guess it wasn’t bad. One of the nicest memories I think I have form this Passover is Marcia Miller from Adas asking if I needed a place for a seder and inviting me to her home. It was SO nice. I have yet to meet her. Someday I hope I do.
I’ve been attending services at Adas for three weeks now, and made it to a Friday night finally. I was a bit late and missed Shalom Aleichem. Oh well will try again. It was intimidating because of the small size and lack of transliteration booklets. Eep! But I made it! Rabbi Steinlauf noticed I was there, and this morning at Shabbat morning services, cornered me through the receiving line on the way out of the sanctuary and said “it’s nice to have you here, it’s very nice to have you here. Join us for Kiddush today.” I’d been slipping out right after services. I didn’t get to introduce myself, but I met the other rabbi, and a gabbai, who’s mother I coincidently sat by today ended up hanging out with her for oneg, and she’s SO excited I am converting and wants to see me next week. Same with the other people I met. It was great. I have never felt so relieved and welcomed, and touched.
I've started telling a few friends that I was going to convert after they would ask. Usually prompted by a post on my cooking blog, or me finding something to eat that was potatoes etc. So I ordered tots and my friend casually asks, so are you not eating leaven this week? I respond that I was indeed not eating chametz. And my other friend goes, so are you converting? Pause... yes. My friends (who are not Jewish) decided this was awesome and asked how long it would be and when we could have the party. I was not expecting them to be proud of my choice to convert, but they are, especially because I'm single. And to think I was worried. I think my mom is getting the picture of me starting the process. I need to ease her into it, more of the, this something I've thought about and not a rash decision type of deal.
I’m skipping Potlatch to go to the Young Professionals Shabbat dinner, I am so excited! I just need to tell Josephine… I just love Adas and want to join. I feel home in a way. And rabbi Rose’s class starts May 3! So many good things.