hello, ireland!

Aug 01, 2002 21:56

the other day i was thinking to myself about all the people ive ever known, and the people who have been significant to me throughout my life. like..

krystal. she was my best friend in preschool, until about 3rd grade, when i moved. of course, she's still one of my best friends. she's like my sister, and she's my mini me. but she was especially important to me when i was younger.

michelle. damn, i thought i was the coolest when we became "best friends" back in the 4th grade or whenever it was. i was always so jealous of her, but then again, maybe we all were.we're not that close anymore, but back then, i thought she was the best.

danny. in 7th grade, i thought he was the shit. in fact, i thought i was "in love" with him for more than a year there, until i met brent and found out what it really feels to be in love with someone. danny is a good friend, and he's always been there for me, but ive long since moved on.

michelle white. in 8th grade, we became so close so fast, it was scary. she was so funny, too. and she had a perverted mind just like myself, so we got along perfectly.

thinking about these people makes me happy, and sad, but the point of all this is that they were part of a different chapter in my life. they will always be a part of me, and they are people that i can be certain that im a part of them in turn. there are people now who are part of the most current chapter, and although things may not always be perfect, i know that they really are my friends.

melissa. ever since she insulted me by calling me a 2nd grader, we've been inseperable, and thats just sickening, but i like it. she's been a good friend to me and i can tell in advance that she always will be. its like we're one person. "i know your body!"

kaycee. my little monkey! she always made me laugh when we were younger and now she still does. if she could put up with me for this long, i think she will for at least a few more years...or else ;x

alex. we've definitely got our differences now, but she's a good person and she frequently goes out of her way to make me feel special. i think she can tell that i need it sometimes. she's just a fun person to be around

cassie. sometimes we have our issues, especially recently, but she's done more for me than i give her credit for sometimes. she's always been there, and she always does her best to make me happy

khaila. she's like my little sister in more ways than one. ive known her for so long, and we went through so much shit back when we were younger, but it all worked out in the end. she's my little buddy, and she's stuck around for a looong time.

brent. ive only know him for just over a year, but it feels like ive known him forever. we fit together, and we've got a beautiful relationship that i love being a part of. he's the most special guy ive ever met in my entire life and being without him seems impossible

these last people will always be with me, because they've made such a large impact on me, my life, and the way i look at the world. they have each taught me something of importance that i can apply to my life. they have all brought me something different and special, and i appreciate it. im hoping that the next people to enter my life will be at least half as special as the ones that i have already encountered.
im accepting the fact that im leaving. i cant say that im happy, but i will do my best to make the most out of this move and keep in touch with the people who actually do care about me. i learned back when i was severely depressed that in the end, it all works out for me. it always does.
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