Jan 28, 2005 18:09
well oh last firday was AWESOME!! hanging out waith casse nicole jana JAKE gary parker tyler vance alex kevin josiah and alot more<33 1st we went 2 the movies the rode the alex bus 2 nicoles house and walked over 2 garys ..it was funn<33 then on saturday me and casse went over 2 garys and hung out with jake n parker and gary..and yeah! then casse came back 2 my hosue adn we watched scream 2 and it was scary..lol:-)
ok well yesterday ((thursday)) my parents where like freaking out and getting all mad at me for like no reason and they took my fone away and grounded me so now i cant go 2 the movies 2 day!! AHH IM so pissed its not fair!!:-( but now im at lexis hosue and where making a cake..:-) but hopefuly 2morrow i can do something? call ?
well im gonna go cakes allmost done!! YUM!<33
i love jake<333
nicole and jane <33 best ppl i know i love u guys! GREAT Times 2gether!<33
comment please??:-)