My Permissions
Yes. I've unfortunately got a pretty busy life at the moment (since I'm in college). I will keep replying to a thread basically until you stop replying to it or it finishes on its own.
Yes. I understand people may want to comment to my RP buddy's comments - and Harley will probably threadjack all the time, to be honest. She's a cute lil' snoop.
Fourth Wall
Yes. Harley will probably want to talk about Mista J more, though.
Maybe, but not likely. Try it. Harley will probably be too much in love with Mista J, however.
Maybe, but not likely. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!
Mind Control/Mind Break
Maybe. Ask me first and give me a rough idea. I'll usually say yes.
Yes. Harley will gladly start up a fight with you. But keep in mind I'd rather not have it cause any permanent damage; see "Permanent Injury/Death" below.
Maybe. Ask me first and give me rough idea. I'll probably say yes because she can't really die easily, as long as it doesn't cause any permanent damage; see "Permanent Injury/Death" below.
Permanent Injury/Death
No. I'd normally be okay with killing characters for mental trauma and so forth but in this 'verse she'll lose something. I'd rather not unless you can come up with a really cool idea.