Apr 25, 2010 16:27
For those of you that have expressed an interest in donating to aide the treatment of Kodak's Doggie Diabetes... I am absolutely amazed by your generosity. I'm setting up a Paypal fund called Kodak's Doggie Diabetes Fund. This would be used ONLY to help pay for the expensive food, insulin, needles, and bi-weekly glucose test that will be required for the first 6 months of treatment. Once the treatment takes and we can regulate his insulin, he won't be required to see the doctor every two weeks, instead only every other month and then later less often than that.
I'd be happy to send you a photo of the precious baby that you are helping and I'll even try to set up a website or something to give everyone progress reports on how he's doing. I can ever ever begin to thank you for helping us.
Please don't feel obligated do donate anything, either. We are all, in some way or another, financially strapped during this very difficult time. Having your support as a friend is more than we deserve, honestly.
Again, thank you all for the prayers/vibes/good thoughts, I appreciate everything. You could never imagine how much it means.
kodak's doggie diabetes fund