Feb 05, 2009 16:55
yeah, so i decided i'm fersure sick with something.
my throat is approximately twice it's normal size and all red.
...it's quite disgusting actually.
ofiugweodbvosdbvbdsovodsbocv dsov odsbv odbsv dslv
kdhfvdsivbcodsulo s/lfcvpsidbzfvobwefvesh dvcodsuoivsew fvod
ksjfvdekjs edvkj d;ov khsdiydfsovubsoudcbvo usbvocusuod;cvsodv
kchvsidv dbvu;obsdpgfibewrj fihv dshc vbco; ubsdocbfo;sdbfj
dkjbfvodfsv ubsdob frgrpdbvuobdrsbfvu;odfbvudoucbvdsbfvo
ldbcvodsbv/losbdv bsfvuobserhf lsdbcoudbsc!
i'm so ready to go home tomorrow.
i miss my mommy and daddy: yes i still call them that.
and i'm not ashamed of it! so blahhh on you!
so, i guess that's all i had to say.
here are some really good quotes i found
while procrastinating the other day...
these are kinda true for me:
i'm ready to be the girl i used to be...
the one who never cried, never got mad about
dumb things, and the one girl who would
never worry about being in love.
she should've been a track star with
the way she ran from everything and everyone.
she ran before she could get close, she ran before
she could get hurt, she ran before she could be ran
from, she ran from him, but the worst part is:
she ran from herself.
i'm blasting my music so I won't hear my
thoughts... but it just makes no sense because the
lyrics remind me of what i'm trying to forget.