I didn't have very many Gerard pictures when I was thinking about making this picspam so I did what anyone would do and Googled him, then hoped for the best. Suffice to say, I think this now has a pretty decent number of pictures.
For Stacie,
krammy, because really, do I need a reason? And like the last one, it's not dial-up friendly in the least.
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Also! This picture:
Do you have any idea where this came from/why it exists? Because I have a few pictures of Adam that appear to be from that same... shoot, or whatever it is, and it appears to be from Warped 2004, maybe? But why a white trash theme? Why would this happen? Adam's have always disturbed me greatly, but it does at least make me feel better to know that Gerard has some as well.
Also also! John picspams are lame. OR SO I'VE HEARD.
I aim to please, Stacie! Even if it did involve google images and my brain, but whatever, I'm not using it much yet anyway.
You know, I have no idea what that photo is from but I definitely would like to know why it exists, ESPECIALLY because of the theme. Was it for the Warped '04 DVD? Really, we should be able to google search images. Would make my life a hell of a lot easier anyway.
And Stacie, cataloging John's existence in terms of his facial hair... that doesn't amuse you AT ALL?
And no, I do not find John Nolan amusing :(
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