Dont read this if you dont want to know about your food

Feb 19, 2008 13:01

How did we things get so wrong? When did natural cycles and energy from the sun not seem necessary?

Recently, I've been flooded with all this information on America's food supply based on industrial eating and Due to on the recent recall of 143 million pounds of beef, i think its time to lay the facts down. America's practice of industrial eating makes me question where our values lay. You are what you eat, they say. And you would assume that as omnivores we eat a cornucopia of things, But in reality most of what we eat consists of a large cheap supply of subsidized commodity corn grown from petroleum and chemical pesticides made by companies like Monsanto. Bovine feedlots in turn, feed this corn along with growth hormones and parts of other cows, to bovine in CAFO'S (concentrated animal feeding operations). These are remote towns in places like Kansas that stink for miles around. Because Animals and Farms have recently become separated they symbiotic relationship that they once shared is now gone. Instead of using animal waste as fertilizer, thus eliminating waste, it now sits in what are called waste lagoons and we now use nitrates from companies like Monsanto to fertilize our food.

Lets take a minute to talk about Monsanto. Monsanto is the company who invented a little thing called Agent Orange. They are also the people responsible for making the chemical pesticides and fertilizers that go into the crops that we eat, mostly corn. They also created this bovine growth hormone called Posilac Bovine Somatotropin, rbst anyone? Anyways, they give this to cows to increase their milk production, which causes puss to come out of their utters from over production, not to mention cancer. They sterilize the puss in the milk by adding antibiotics. They also feed cows on CAFO's antibiotics (because cows have a rumen, which is a special stomach for digesting grass, NOT corn and it gets infected and bloated by their unnatural diet). And all of these antibiotics wind up in our system, which causes bacteria's to become resistant to antibiotics. SCARY.

In a country where food is expected to be cheap and abundant, you can see what this does the the process of growing it and what happens when the people consume it. In 2000, the people suffering from over nutrition (one billion) has officially surpassed the people suffering from malnutrition (80 million).

When will we realize the the abundance of energy that the sun provides is enough to nourish and sustain us? Why must we live on a dwindling supply fossil fuels? (which is just stored energy from the sun) Our practices of unsustainability and deviating from nature, will eventually catch up to us if continue to ignore the consequences.

Most of this information comes from the book The Omnivores Dilemma by Micheal Pollan and the documentary The Corporation. Two documents I suggest informing yourself with.

And this is a link to the video of Westland/Hallmark Meat Co that lead to the biggest meat recall in U.S. history.
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