Mar 10, 2006 21:07
ok crawford did a little list and i have about 30 mins. to spare so i thought i would steal her idea and make my own...
here's to being walked to the bus stop
here's to silly plays
here's to star 94
here's to v-o-d-k-a-e
here's to dane and justin
here's to prepfreaks
here's to bre's treehouse
here's to high hide-n-seek
here's to olympic ISS
here's to my many boyfriends
here's to my best friends
here's to music videos at six flags
here's to being the porn star
here's to being friends with klepto's
here's to being stalked
here's to hating your friends boyfriend
here's to getting your first guitar
here's to dancing with randon guys at music midtown
here's to the kiss I'll never forget
here's to being brazilian
here's to john rocker
here's to mr pittman
here's to always waiting on jesse
here's to the summers
here's to not doing that on tour
here's to verc 18
here's to u.s. play
here's to growing up
here's to falling in love
here's to realizing your heart can break more than once
here's to not being afraid to let it
here's to the assholes
here's to the nice guys
here's to getting left for a lesbian
here's to my favorite band
here's to my only band
here's to making out drunk
here's to listening to others
here's to open-mindedness
here's to my first car
here's to that first wreck
here's to discovering punk
here's to being an outcast kid
here's to being myself
here's to the ones who stuck around after high school
here's to being the one who stuck around
here's to life
here's to never compromising
here's to never lying (unless it's to make someone smile)
here's to laughing at me
here's to talks about the places we would have sex
here's to finding the one
here's to letting go
here's to never forgetting the ones you lose.
ok sara's is way better but ya know i try! :)