How to make love...the extended version (taken from myspace and revised)

Oct 06, 2005 20:15

My work is added in greenish or redish color



2 wanting people
2 strong firm hands
2 soft gentle hands
4 Laughing eyes
4 Well-shaped legs
4 Loving arms
2 Firm milk containers
2 Nuts
1 Fur-lined mixing bowl (or how ever you like it) *needed to come out rigt*
1 Firm banana *needed to come out right*
1 box of ceran wrap *needed for safety precautions*
2 mouths *use for own purposes..but use wisely preferably for use of tousling [aka kissing]*

1. Look into laughing eyes.

2.gently add the mouths together. doing w.e u so please with them

3. eventually spread well-shaped legs with loving arms
4. Squeeze and massage milk containers very gently.

5. Gently add firm banana to mixing bowl, working in and out until well creamed. For best results. Continue to knead milk containers.

6. As heat rises, plunge banana deep into mixing bowl and cover with nuts, leave to soak (preferably NOT overnight).

7. The cake is done when banana is soft. If banana does not soften, repeat steps 2-5(revision was made due to added step) or change mixing bowls.*if you would like is preferably that u do step 1 as often as possible*

8. reapeat all steps as often as you would like..(once,twice or even three times daily is not a bad thing)

1. If you are in an unfamiliar kitchen, wash utensils carefully before and after use.

2. Do not lick mixing bowl after use. (..if you do..u gots issues..but before use its okay..[going both ways])

3. If cake rises, leave town (i really never got this one..but w/e...would sm1 fill me in on it plz)

me = proud..i did my first revisions out

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