one-shot writing challenge

Aug 21, 2010 10:33

I've been writing more fan-fic this August since I'm not employed or taking a class now, but would like to read more fan-fic as well.

My query about a more ambitious challenge last month didn't interest anyone, so I wondered if maybe a one-shot challenge with a writing prompt would get people interested in writing in this fan-dom again?

Here's my source for plot bunnies:

Proto-plot bunnies that came to mind for me reading this, mysteries for Kantarou to solve or situations to fix, were...

...the mysterious disappearance of an elderly person
...human-impersonating youkai getting 'caught' when they abandon their 'elderly human' identities
...some kind of monster or cult preying upon the very old for some reason
...objects that reach 100 years of use may become youkai or kami, so what about people? members covering up deaths for financial gain

Feel free to use one of these or any other plot bunny that jumps out of the article, to post before September 1st?

I can't imagine how this could inspire an art post without being pretty grisly, but if it inspires someone out there to draw, please go for it!

Basically I want to be a consumer and not just producer of fan-fic, and the situation in this news article seemed to me something that, if it happened in his own world, would get Kantarou involved in some way.


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